Sunday, April 29, 2012

An introduction of sorts

Blogging is Back! What it never left? Oops!

So, I have been thinking about, talking about and putting off starting a new blog for years now. My friend T keeps telling me that we need to share with the world our joint (and solo) food adventures. Why?
1) We both love food (and drinks), not as a sport but as an art form
2) We both dabble in many different types of cooking
3) We both enjoy tasting and assessing new restaurants in NYC (kosher ones, sorry everyone else).

A little about me: (T can fill you in on herself later) I love food, always have, always will. It is a sensory filled, comforting, warm, and inspiring experience (well except when it isn't) and although I have tried to give up eating, we all have to do it. Living in Manhattan and eating Kosher is a treat because there are so many restaurants in this city that cater to the Kosher eating crowd and do it well.  And there are just as many that don't do it well. I love weeding out the paltry and finding the exceptional.

As I said before, I love food.  However, I have also struggled with my weight and nutrition (being that I can't comfortably eat carbs of pretty  much any sort) for most of my life. Cooking for me is a creative process that brings people together and makes them happy. Finding ways to eat without a whole food group (at this point in my life make that two food groups as I have recently cut out dairy as well) is a '\"fun" challenge. Finding ways to make others enjoy home cooked meals based on whole foods and fresh ingredients is a pleasure.

In this blog I hope to share with you my food adventures. My food experiences if you will. Places I eat, recipes I cook with, ingredients that inspire me, drinks that I can't live with out, culinary dreams and everything else.

Still lost? Yeah so am I, I am sure we will figure it out as we go along.

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